Fleas and ticks are aesthetically displeasing PLUS they carry many diseases that affect our pets and us! While most of you have heard about Lyme disease from ticks and anemia and tapeworms from fleas, there are many other diseases these vectors cause. We recommend flea and tick prevention YEAR ROUND!! There are many products out there, so please talk to your veterinarian before purchasing a product. Please avoid OTC products like those that contain permethrins, pyrethrins, essential oils like pennyroyal etc, which can cause death in cats. There are also some products that are specifically designed for dogs and if cats contact the dog after application they can die--READ LABELS before you apply any flea/tick product. Collars, UNLESS they are vet approved, like Seresto collars, are not effective and can be dangerous--to pets AND humans. If you prefer collars then check out Seresto collars for dogs and cats on chewy.com... Nexgard is an excellent oral chew for dogs which can be used as long as they have no seizure history and are not being used for breeding .. Cheristin starts killing fleas on cats in 30 minutes.. If you like Frontline products at least use Frontline Gold, however, I do not prefer this for fleas....Revolution Plus for cats kills ticks and fleas and there is also Bravecto that can be used in pets w/o a history of seizures...
I just pulled a tick off myself or my pet...is it carrying any diseases?? SEE: The Tick Research Lab of PA
Lots and Lots of Flea info: The FLEA TOOL KIT
This is an EXCELLENT read: Not Fleas AGAIN??
Flea Life Cycle
Break the Flea Cycle
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Lots and Lots of Tick info: The TICK TOOL KIT
Dogs, Ticks and Tick-Borne Parasites
You can check out: LYME DISEASE INFO
Tick Borne Diseases
Tick Life Cycle
How to Remove Ticks
Humans Cannot Contract Lyme Disease from Dogs
Safe Use of Flea and Tick Preventive Products